Event APP

Easy and innovative admission app for your events.

eyepin Event-App​ Event Marketing Plattform
Event App Hybride Veranstaltungen Solutions

Always up to date

Get your event guest list right on your smartphone with eyepin Event App. Tickets can be scanned and the guest list will update automatically. You can upload the guest list to any smartphone and scan it with all devices at the same time.

Event App Hybride Veranstaltungen Solutions
Neue Gäste registrieren​ Event-App

Register new guests

Not yet registered guests can be easily created via the app and the data will be automatically transferred to your event platform and added to the current event.

Reports und Analyse Event App

Overview is everything

In the app and in the eyepin Event Marketing Platform, you have an overview of the number of guests who have already checked in at any time. And of course, how many are still expected.

Reports und Analyse Event App
E-Mail Marketing Newsletter Content-Filtering nach Userprofilen Event-App

Always informed even on mobile

The app shows all statistics from the eyepin Event Marketing Platform. So you always have an overview and can see the guest lists of your events even when you are on the road.

Scanning only

Following our motto “keep it simple”, you can use our Event App to perform your check-in without any additional hardware or complex setup. Only two steps are necessary:

1. Download the free eyepin EVENT App from the App Store
2. Connect the eyepin EVENT App with your eyepin account

And you can start with your admission check-in and live monitoring.

You want badges or ID cards for the entrance of your event?

Then use our eyepin Event GATE solution, for the full scope!

DSGVO Event App


With the Event App, all customer data is stored securely and DSGVO-compliant.

DSGVO Event App